Le choix des fragrances naturelles

The choice of natural fragrances

Each season is unique and so is each fragrance. We choose them carefully, in order to offer a varied selection that is sure to please.

What exactly makes a perfume "clean"?

This means that they are phthalate-free, carcinogen-free, mutagen-free, reproductive, organic or acute toxins free.

All of our fragrances are infused with essential oils.

Natural perfumes vs. synthetic perfumes

Handmade candles are often scented with premium fragrances, giving them delicate and subtle aromas. The fragrances are carefully selected to create unique and soothing atmospheres. The quality of the scent obviously determines the price of the candle. When we see candles at ridiculous prices, we say to ourselves that it is impossible, even on a large scale, to offer a quality scented candle at such a price.

On the other hand, industrial candles whose number one objective is to offer you a very (too) cheap product, often use synthetic perfumes which can be stronger, more artificial but above all more harmful even if they are used at very low levels. dosage.

Sensory experience is essential

Artisanal candles offer a richer, more personalized sensory experience, with natural ingredients, subtle scents and handcrafting that adds a touch of authenticity to each piece. In addition, they can have a lower environmental impact thanks to their local production and the use of sustainable materials.

On the other hand, industrial candles may indeed be more accessible, with a wider range of scents and styles available at affordable prices. While they may lack the personality and artisanal charm of handmade candles, they remain a popular option for those looking for instant ambiance on the cheap.

But is it a good idea to shop around for a price to the likely detriment of your health?

At Sage Pure we prioritize sensory experience, environmental impact and well-being!

Visit the CANDLES page to see the current collection.

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